This Present Life Is So Important / Somdech Phra Nyanasamvara

ในห้อง 'Buddhism' ตั้งกระทู้โดย supatorn, 28 มกราคม 2021.

  1. supatorn

    supatorn ผู้สนับสนุนเว็บพลังจิต ผู้สนับสนุนพิเศษ

    14 กรกฎาคม 2010
    This Present Life Is So Important
    For The Well-Being of The Future

    delivered by
    His Holiness

    Somdech Phra Nyanasamvara

    The Supreme Patriarch of Thai Sangha

    The sermon was delivered by His Holiness Phra Nyanasamvara

    The Supreme Patriarch on New Year’s Day A.D. 2005 or B.E. 2548

    Translated by S.Nopporn

    1. This present life is so miniscule in scope and so small

    Lives of all kinds whether humans or animals do not exist only in the present existence, but they also have past and future ones.

    This short life means that the present existence is a bit brief and so miniscule.

    Life , of course, is subject to ageing . The present existence of each individual does not exceed one hundred years in terms of the average age. It is a very short period when compared with the past uncountable existences and those in the future.

    When the sages or learned persons utter that this present life is so unfocused , they are comparing it with past and future uncountable existences . Those people of incomplete understanding can not be delivered from suffering
    2. Life and Performed Kamma

    Present existence of all kinds before becoming humans or animals used to be something else. This is not separate from kamma, whether it be past or present , good or bad, before or after. Kamma can not occur at the same time. It can not be put in perfect order and is limitless. The effect of past kamma is incalculable and even exceeds the present existence.

    All good and bad deeds give effects . Though the effects may not occur at the same time chronologically , the outcome will definitely happen due to the cause. Whatever the outcome, each of them will occur to be experienced.
    3. Kamma that has been done gives result exact to its cause

    Where there is cause, there is effect. Person who does the kamma will definitely receive its outcome . When the person is happy, whether he or she is that person, it can be realized that good deed will give effect. That person is enjoying the effects of its cause.

    The ordinary person may not realize this, but it should be understood that the good cause of happiness is the outcome good effect. Good result does not arise from bad cause.

    When an individual is suffering misery whether it may be ourself or other person , it is definite that unwholesome cause produces bad effects.

    Though an ordinary person may not realize this , he or she should understand that cause of suffering is due to unwholesome action . Unwholesome effects are due to bad causes, never from good ones
    4. Effect of Kamma is definite without exception

    When the thought that we have done good thing but do not experience good result, we should know that we are misled and believe by mistake that every action is good with no exception.

    When we do evil we may be rewarded with good, but when we do good we may be rewarded with evil. Again , this is what we are misled and believe by mistake. If we do evil, we get evil. Doing good always begets good with no exception.
    5. Complexity of Kamma

    This existence is so minute when compared with previous uncountable ones. Kamma in this existence is therefore a microcosmic.

    For example, writing on a piece of paper with pen or pencil may be legible, but rewriting on the same piece several time over, words are harder to see and read. Only marks of the pen or pencil are left. The tracing of the words is therefore illegible. We can not distinguish which letter or word comes first or later. What is prior and what is later writing ? . Our countless existences or our own karma can also be compared. Our previous existences are complicated like our rewriting overlapping one another. The knotty kamma is compared to our rewriting . We can not relate whether which letter or mark comes first. The existences tell of our deed whether we have done good or bad, and to what extent we have done it. The complexity in this existence is that we can not set a precedent of our kamma like our own rewriting overlapping one another on the same piece of paper.
    6. The implicit nature of the complexity of kamma

    There is difference in indecipherable rewriting and kamma. If we continue writing on the same piece of paper with words overlapping one another , we do not know whether the writing is good or not in meaning.

    But kamma though complicated is also known whether we have done good or evil, by judging from its outcome . The effects of the kamma reflect their causes.
    7. Differences of Birth

    Existence or life of each individual has differences of birth. Whether the persons may be Thai, Chinese, Indian or Westerners have differences in family tradition and social strata. Inteligence and wisdom are not the same. One may be wise or may be foolish . Living standard is also different in terms of property.

    All the differences can be varied. This indicates belief in kamma and also its consequences. Each person had differences in past existences which lead to differences in present one . All undergo different births and lives due to different kamma in the past.
    8. This existence and cycle of deaths and births

    The most important difference reveals the mighty power of kamma, which is the cycle of deaths and births for thevadas, humans and animals.

    Thevadas can be reborn as humans or animals,

    Humans can be reborn as thevadas or animals,

    Animals can be reborn as thevadas or humans with the mighty power of kamma.

    Indeed , this is a supreme truth. One may believe it or not, but this is the real truth. Nothing can change this truth . Whether one may believe it or not , one should be afraid to be reborn a human or a thevada.

    In general , thevadas are reborn as humans, a more respectful form of existence than being reborn as thevadas. There has been surmise or conjecture that thevadas are reborn as humans due to the refined nature .

    Certain persons are perfect in various aspects. They have good social strata , excellent complexion and gentle manner, including good intelligence.

    Some persons may not be completely perfect, but they are described being angels because of having good skin , manner and good personal attributes . Most humans believe that thevadas can also be reborn as humans.
    9. The power of kamma and the experience of the new existence

    There is a case showing thevadas being reborn as humans. An important example, which is cited on many occasions, especially among Buddhists, is a story of the Buddha from Dusit realm, who visited the earth as Siddhata, the royal son of King Suddhotana and Queen Maya.

    The most quoted story of Buddhism concerns goddess Mekkhala who was appointed as a guardian of oceans and protector of believers in taking the three jewels as refuge and observer of Sila. He properly respected his parents. The Bodhisatta Brahmin who journeyed by sea was shipwrecked. He tried to swim across the ocean for 7 days to reach the shore. Deva Mekkhala saw the event and promised to present all things to him for what he needed; that is, a divine boat and gems.

    The Bodhisatta was out of danger from the ocean. He became charitable, observed the precepts or morality throughout his life. After this human life he was born in heavenly realm.

    The Bodhisatta later became the Lord Buddha.

    Deva Mekhala later became the nun Uppalavanna,

    whereas the guardian of Bodhisatta later became Venerable Ananda.

    This is the story of Thevadas becoming humans.

    Thevadas can be reborn as humans, and humans can be reborn as Thevadas.

    The Buddha when staying at Chetwan monastery had told this ancient story. In the past he became a Bodhisatta and also a chief of carts. He bought many goods in Karanasi and loaded them on carts. He and other traveling tradesmen went to a parched land. Once they found a dried-up well, they dug it in order to get some drinking water. But they discovered a lot of jewels in the well.

    The Bodhisatta gave warning that avarice could cause ruin, but no one believed his words. The tradesmen continued digging ceaslessly, hoping to collect more jewels. The well was the dwelling house of the king of nagas. When the well was damaged, the king of nagas was irate, using his nose to spray poison and destroy all tradesmen except the Bodhisatta who later received 7 cartloads of jewels and gave them as alms. This Bodhisatta undertook to observe the precepts until the end of his life, and later was reborn in a heavenly realm.

    Humans who are bodily, verbally, mentally more charitable shall be Thevadas on a higher plane of heavenly realm.
    10. Human may be reborn either as a Thevada or in the animal world

    During the Buddha’s time a male person was annoyed and got angry to a dog that followed him. When the Lord Buddha heard of this event, he told him that the deceased father was reborn as that dog. He proved the case by telling the dog to discover the hidden treasure. It could find the treasure though the hidden wealth was known only by the father before his death.

    Animals can be reborn as Thevadas. This is found in many scriptures.

    During the Buddha’s time an animal heard monks chanting their prayers and listened to the chants with due respect and attention. When it died it went to a heavenly realm. This is due to the power of deep respect for the Dhamma of the Lord Buddha.

    Animals can be reborn as humans as well and are believed with deep conscience. Certain humans are also born with faces, manners, and animal-like behaviors.

    During the Buddha’s time a monk was worried about his skirt-like clothes or garment. One day he wanted to wash and dried them on a clothesline, but he passed away without drying the clothes. The mind that clung to the piece of clothes made him reborn as a little vermin due to being attached to the cloth.

    Another monk saw the unowned clothes and decided to put them on. The Lord Buddha heard of the event, forbade it. He told the monk to wait since the late monk was reborn into a little vermin just a few days after his death. He could get angry and could not live in ease and comfort. This is the story which shows that the mental power causes humans to be reborn in the animal realm.
    11 One should evade and run away from the fearful power of kamma

    Thevadas can be reborn as humans.

    Humans can be reborn as Thevadas.

    Thevadas can be reborn as animals.

    Animals can be reborn as Thevadas.

    Humans can be reborn as animals, and

    Animals can be reborn as humans.

    Only the mighty power of kamma has made life so unbelievable. Kamma is really dreary. We should evade both present and past bad deeds.
    12. Reproductive Kamma:-

    Kamma causes reproductive act, a final phase of life before departing this present world or a final idea or mind that is attached to is called reproductive kamma.

    If one has an idea on merits when one is departing this earth ; this is called reproductive acts.

    One calls to mind the merits and virtue when one is departing this world. The mind is in good order so is the body. If one is thinking of miserable existence when one is departing this world, the mind and the body are in bad condition.

    The state of mind that will soon cease and reach an unhappy realm is naturally a weak one. There is no strength to resist anything at all. When one inures oneself to it, that kind of feeling dominates the state of mind and empowers it to originate a physical body that is continued by mental status.
    13. Power of Adherence to the State of Mind before Perishing

    Possessive persons who are reluctant to give up their things would be reflecting on them before perishing. When reborn that person will be a snake who guards that treasure. People who come nearer to the treasure shall see that the snake will present itself. There has been a recent story of an official who guarded the Buddha image. When he died, his friend would like to see the image, but there was an unknown cobra spreading its hood nearby. His friend sensed that there was something wrong. He told the snake loud and clear that he did not want to bring the image elsewhere he simply wished to admire it. The snake therefore moved away. Persons who are possessive of their treasure have been infatuated with it and were born snake guarding the property. He does not enjoy the fruits of his labour and does not slip away his possessive mind means that the mind itself does not detach from the property

  2. supatorn

    supatorn ผู้สนับสนุนเว็บพลังจิต ผู้สนับสนุนพิเศษ

    14 กรกฎาคม 2010
    14. One should be determined to be reborn a human

    Elderly people with right view, right wisdom and clean comprehension have always a belief in the power of mental attachment. This is the reason why he or she tells their children to have the control and evolution of the mind as a way of recollecting the Lord Buddha’s teaching. He or she is determined that in case of departure from this world he or she will be reborn a human, and be a Buddhist. Elderly people have this determination before sleeping. In case he or she does not wake up any more, what is done is done and can’t be undone. This is the way to cultivate and train the mind.
    To be reborn a human and meet Buddhism is a happy blessing of elderly people with earnest determination and right view.
    15. This life is the one that leads to well-being
    An individual who has a firm determination to be reborn a human and meet Buddhism is the one that this life may be miniscule, but this life only brings about real happiness since it is the most meritorious in all aspect.
    Whatever one does, one can do only in this life, and receive the best outcome, that is, the Nirvana which leads to the Cessation of Suffering. One can do good to ascend into heavenly realm only through this life.

    To have a resolution not to be reborn in other state of existence after departing this world is the highest blessing in life.
    16. A person with right view should make a wish seriously.
    In case one does not want misery in the next existences one should be free from suffering in this life.
    Wishing not to be anything else, one may not know what one will be and is not attached on the future life since only this life provides the conditions to fulfill all wholesome deeds.
    To be happy without any suffering even at moderate rate at the time of departing this world is to lead a new life with well – being and have no suffering. When one is about to pass away one should be familiar with that feeling. Indeed, it should be done.

    17. Cultivate the mind under to be familiar favorable auspicious objects
    Familiarity with whatever feeling is to feel it always or continuously;
    For instance, one who chants the prayer reciting Buddho regularly will see the Buddha. Familiarity with a compassionate person will automatically helps one when one is in a hard time.
    Familiarity with a certain feeling may cultivate one’s mind to acquire a good knowledge of the feeling. One may have the Lord Buddha as a sense-object even in time of crisis. The mind does not attach to any thing else which one is not familiar. The mind attaching only to the Lord Buddha, the most propitious of all, will be free from all fear. Familiarity with favorable things is most important.
    Everyone has gone through the past lives and has been familiar with all kinds of temperamental feeling and objects. If we are familiar with a temperament our mind has been infatuated with it since the past existences. The result of this temperament of an attachment brings about the present existence.
    18. Present existence demonstrates past life’s attachment.
    When one looks at the present existence one realizes that the past has a relationship with the present.

    Those who are open-minded help to bestow alms in the past lives will be persons of good fortune in the present existence.
    Those who were generous and helped other to take good care to provide food, medication and a sum of monetary support for the sick without exploitation can be healthy persons in the present life. This is considered a great gain.
    Those who were verbally, bodily and mentally courteous to others with modesty and never looked down upon other in the past lives are persons of noble birth who are treated and respected honourably and never been looked down upon in present existence.
    Those who took good care of others and animals’ lives in the past existence are the long-lived persons who are not exploited nor oppressed in any way. They shall not be short-lived persons.
    Those who kept themselves clean bodily, mentally and verbally in past existences are persons with clear mind, never tarnished with aging at all.
    Those who practiced in compliance with the Dhamma in previous existences are those who are intelligent and learn the Dhamma well and easily, have their mind at ease and shall have a good Dhamma education.
    19. Those who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind
    Those who enjoy the fruits of good kamma in the previous existences such as to be born in noble families, to be wealthy, not to be subject to ill health will, have a long life, with beautiful and good complexion, intelligent, wise and clever. We should believe with respect that it is the achievement of good deed accumulated in the previous existences.

    Those who wish to enjoy good kamma in the future lives should now do only good deed continuously.
    20. All existences have good and bad kamma
    The results of good kamma as practiced by the person who has done good deed for a long, long time can not escape from bad deed in the previous innumerable existences. This kamma will certainly come.
    Everyone has the good and bad effects of kamma which has been subject to the outcomes of wholesome and unwholesome actions which are effects performed in the complexity of previous lives.
    21. Kamma has its consequences in the present existence
    Imagine a picture of a big-sized truck trying to run over us down. At the same time this truck is followed by another one, full of jewels for us. The two trucks are running at high speed trying to overtake each other.
    After having imagined this we can reflect our mind whether we want the jewels or not. The truck is hunting us down as a target. Bad deed is following us at that moment.
    We may compare the bad effect of kamma to the truck that follows us. It has not hunted us down because our present existence may have enough energy to escape it though we may temporarily escape death by a hair’s breadth. Since most of us do not have the clairvoyant mind to know that the reaction comes from kamma only. The kamma causes us to have enough energy to escape death in the present life.

    22. The hands of unwholesome course of action
    One can compare bad effects of kamma to gigantic hands of the Evil One. The hands may be patting us but actually they are grasping and pulling us down into a powerful press. We may almost narrowly escape death many times but only by the end of our hair. The word “accident” means one escapes death because one has done good enough deed. We can then be temporarily without mishaps. The hands of the Evil One will certainly pound us down no matter how many days, months, years of existences it may take. These hands of the Evil One will not be despondent in taking us away at all costs. If we should imagine the picture it is a most fearful one .
    In recent news , an innocent baby had come into this world had been killed for wrong understanding . The mother almost became insane. The killer faced a heavy punishment for such crime, and created people’s indignation. This points out the great power of kamma. We can not understand the whole issue if we do not take kamma into account and the reasons for it to happen..
    One child was intended to be killed, but he was saved. Another child was well cared and loved , but was destroyed . Both of them were innocent, and enjoyed this world. The hands of kamma took the child who harboured no evil at all in the present existence when compared to the power of the past kamma. It was not the kamma of any one else , but it was due to the kamma of the two babies which they had done in the past existences. It is beyond the understanding of the laymen, but not beyond the knowledge of the emancipated Ones .
    23. Only the wholesome action can break off the unwholesome one
    In case the baby was killed it is beyond the understanding of all the laymen who sense that the child has been in a happy or miserable frame of mind because of kamma which has already pre-warned all of us.
    When kamma produces outcome it will be most effective. Nothing can stop its result except its own kamma. The wholesome action must be great to break off the unwholesome one, but it may just help one temporarily.
    The story of a child was intended to be killed but was saved. Another baby who loved his parents with all its heart was killed. A mother who was a murderer had to be punished lawfully and had to suffer due imprisonment . Another mother had to lose her loving child simply due to the baby being killed . She was deeply grieved for a long, long time for her loss.
    The child can survive miraculously though he or she may be borne ill will. This child may be detested by some people. He or she is the flesh and blood or the offspring of this ill – hearted mother.
    We know that there are altogether 4 lives, but it shows that the power of kamma is most mighty. All lives are followed by unwholesome course of action. No wholesome action can stop it. This is why the doers of bad deed have to suffer real miserable lives.
    24. The hideous aspect of kamma
    This may be not has to consider it cautiously with wisdom of good Buddhist. Kamma has a hideous aspect of outcomes when one falls under its malicious hands. We also have the hands to stop its grasp though we can not see with our own eyes but we can use our wisdom to visualize kamma with our mind and try our best to escape it with mindfulness and wisdom. We should not wait for the day that we fall into the malicious grasp of kamma.
    Those who were born to enjoy happiness and well-being in this existence should realize that we are not without the malicious hands of unwholesome course of action… Every one has these hands, but at the same time every one has the hands of wholesome course of action to assist him or her.
    The hands of wholesome course of action can be compared to the use of feet. When the malicious hands try to catch us we have to run away with our feet at high speed. This is done through merit making, charity and virtue to the best of our ability. Only meritorious service can break away from the hands of malicious action. Even if ill-effects of unwholesome kamma is reduced, it is better than not being saved.
    25. One should believe in kamma and effect
    Everyone has the hands of unwholesome course of action which are now coming. Everyone must have got his or her kamma more or less. Since one has passed uncountable existences. One has done good or evil course of action overlapping each other but one has forgot them since they are very complex, but never missed by kamma .
    Some do not believe that they were born in the past existences so they cannot recollect what they did before becoming humans in this existence.
    Not being able to recollect makes us remiss. We try to escape the result of the bad course of action. But when kamma pursues us, it will show its effects without any kindness and generosity
    26. What should be considered in this existence
    Before we can be what we are in the human realm , we had been several types in many uncountable lives. We had been Thevadas, big or small animals as well as humans. We had been men or women, rich persons, poor folks, beautiful persons, handicapied or not handicapped persons , light –skinned , dark personalities , short-lived or long-lived persons, being white or black persons, Thai or Chinese or Indian or Westerners. Even those who can recall former existence must be very fearful, filled with sorrow. They may have forsaken covetousness, anger , delusion and lust to a great extent or even abandon them.
    When we see a dog suffering from leprosy, we may recall that once we used to be lepers. We might be aimless, looking for food, might be beaten by people or might be harmed by fellow-dogs. We might be detested by those who came across us. They might not give us shelter to prevent from the sun and rain. We might be hurled by bricks so that we had to suffer untold miseries. But we could not implore anyone for help. What we could do simply was to moan crooningly. There is no one who understand its meaning.
    If we would recall the past existences as mentioned earlier, we should fear kamma since the bad course of action make our life so miserable.
    27. How to understand kamma correctly
    Do not deny kamma and its effects irrationally. Do not reject it point-blank that a person may be born something else. We may think that we must not be born that way. Humans can not be born as animals or vice versa. No modern humans would believe that way. Not to be careless or remiss, one should not deny it for lack of understanding. We can never escape the hideous effects of the kamma.
    A child plays for fun in a school. Suddenly a bullet takes away this student.
    The child is now dead. Whether he or she becomes happy or not is another matter. But the parents lost the child somewhere unexpectedly. This should be understood as kamma and effects. The parents had got to suffer miserably in the past existences for unknown bullet. Everyone may suffer like this for something that we do not know. This is a bad deed which we had done in the past existences. The effect of kamma is now in session .
    28. What should be cultivated and trained in this existence
    An important monk who was well known as a good person whose name is the venerable Somdej Phra Buttachariya (To Bromrangsri) of Wat Rakang.
    A story of this monk tells that once a monk in a monastery beat another one black and blue. He settled this court case by telling the monk who was the victim that he had got it wrong since he hit the fellow-monk first.

    The description on the case seems a bit doubtful. Anyway, he explained that the monk that was beaten black and blue in this existence could have beaten him in previous existence. If we should give him the chances to be punished he would commit the wrong-doing by retaliation. But if he did not get punished, all things should be settled. If we asked the monk who was beaten black and blue, he said he be exempt from the penalty so all things became settled. The venerable Somdej Phra Buttachan taught us that if we commit a wrong-doing we will get the retribution.
    In case of continued rebirths, we who sow the wind will receive the whirlwind sooner or later. There is no end to it and there shall be the retribution. If we do not incur hatred the matter will be settled. To forgive with honesty for other people of wrong-doing is very important, and it should be cultivated or trained immediately.
    29. Remembrance of the past existence shows us that there be a round of existences
    There are some people these days who remember the past existence can recall their births at early ages. They can tell that they had gone to see their parents at their residences. Some persons were interested in some photographs and asked for the names and told them about their past existences. They could be familiar with these or those persons who used to be comrades-in-arms in some remote combat areas.
    What is miraculous is a young boy who told that he had fought with a certain king. He looked innocent and did not know the name of that warrior-king. He was too naive to invent stories to cheat other people for own benefit. This is a clear example of a person who can recall past existence.
    One archariya who was an excellent practitioner roamed about the forest every day. His fellow-monk sometimes also went with him. It was known that he came across an elephant on his way. He had a conversation with it in the human language using euphonious words. The elephant listened to him attentively . When he mentioned that it should step aside, it kindly obeyed.
    He could do what other monks could not do. Those who do not deny that people in the present existence also have the past lives must think why the monk had something important with the elephant in the past existences. This is the reason why he could talk with the elephant, and it could be miraculously moved by him.
    We believe that an elephant can also become a human. Those who could foresee the past existences did realize that the monk had been an elephant before becoming a human later. It is probable that the monk might have been an elephant in his uncountable existences.
    30. Unwholesome deeds lead to woeful realm
    When one is born as a human in this existence and can have an insight to find out that in the past existences, he was an animal. An important venerable monk used to be born as a cock who knew fully well the difference between humans and animals. He had a deep pity on it and also feared the process of Births and Deaths. One does know fully well that in case one commits bad kamma physically or mentally, one will lead to woeful existences of all kinds.
    If one is mugged up and loses one’s life from one’s beloved unknowingly, one may not ask favour or help from anybody.

    Those who are devoted to Buddhism should know that this is an outcome of kamma in one of the past existences.

    No layman or no ordinary worldling with special insight may not realize whether the kamma is done with unwholesome action and its effects.
    31. All lives have passed through uncountable existences.
    But those who have practiced Dhamma will have special insight or foresight like a monk-mentor who repeatedly mentioned that he deliberately used his cart to drive over a child so he had to face the consequence; that is, he would be killed by a car. He kept saying repeatedly about this incident. One day, he was prepared to leave the monastery. He was reminded that he accepted the invitation to do merit-making at a certain house. He said something very bluntly that it was right time. Nobody understood what he meant.
    On that day after leaving the monastery for a while, his car was overturned. He was knocked down and died right away. Other people were safe. A few days later there was his funeral. His corpse which was not cold as yet turned into different beautiful precious stones known among Buddhist as a the relic which are free from all defilements. This monk-mentor showed the real power of kamma. The person who sows the wind will receive the whirlwind. Though he practiced Dhamma he could not escape kamma. All lives have gone through countless past existences.
    32 Wholesome and unwholesome hands
    In general, it is realized that everybody’s life is not always smooth. One never becomes happy or sorrowful all the time. Everybody experiences both of them one way or other. Sometimes one does not understand its difficulties. Some may be born in low-class family, but sooner or later the families become rich and have a lot of wealth and opportunities. Everyone says that the virtuous child’s birth brings in wealth for the families being unexpected by the parents.

    If we do not consider it well we may be waxing our tongues on base things. The person who speaks this may not pay attention to it profoundly. But if we consider the kamma and its effects, it is believed that new born baby is a meritorious person.

    A meritorious one is the person who had done a lot of deeds in the past existences. This person’s birth is blessed even though reproductive kamma could make a difficult life, virtue helps more than unwholesome course of action. His or her virtuous hands help to get away from all difficulties, and lead a happy life.
    Those that were born with hardship way have done a meritorious course of action. The wholesome hands may quickly foster them from all difficulties in a miraculous way. We can show these examples. Some children might have done a wholesome action, but the reproductive organ forces him or her to be born from hardy parents. When the child was born, the natural parents wanted it to get away from the difficulties and put it in front of a rich kind person’s door-step, which certainly made it happy to be in the hands of a good person well-known for having loving-kindness.
    But other children were born in base places. They did not do enough meritorious things in the previous existences. Meritorious hands do not help them get away from hardship. Even when parents put these children in front of rich, kind persons, they did not do any meritorious things at all. They do not receive any virtue. They might be left there and die later with hardship. Then mother might be arrested and face criminal charges. This is a great matter and has to do with the real mighty power of kamma.
    32 Wholesome and unwholesome hands
    In general, it is realized that everybody’s life is not always smooth. One never becomes happy or sorrowful all the time. Everybody experiences both of them one way or other. Sometimes one does not understand its difficulties. Some may be born in low-class family, but sooner or later the families become rich and have a lot of wealth and opportunities. Everyone says that the virtuous child’s birth brings in wealth for the families being unexpected by the parents.
    If we do not consider it well we may be waxing our tongues on base things. The person who speaks this may not pay attention to it profoundly. But if we consider the kamma and its effects, it is believed that new born baby is a meritorious person.
    A meritorious one is the person who had done a lot of deeds in the past existences. This person’s birth is blessed even though reproductive kamma could make a difficult life, virtue helps more than unwholesome course of action. His or her virtuous hands help to get away from all difficulties, and lead a happy life.
    Those that were born with hardship way have done a meritorious course of action. The wholesome hands may quickly foster them from all difficulties in a miraculous way. We can show these examples. Some children might have done a wholesome action, but the reproductive organ forces him or her to be born from hardy parents. When the child was born, the natural parents wanted it to get away from the difficulties and put it in front of a rich kind person’s door-step, which certainly made it happy to be in the hands of a good person well-known for having loving-kindness.
    But other children were born in base places. They did not do enough meritorious things in the previous existences. Meritorious hands do not help them get away from hardship. Even when parents put these children in front of rich, kind persons, they did not do any meritorious things at all. They do not receive any virtue. They might be left there and die later with hardship. Then mother might be arrested and face criminal charges. This is a great matter and has to do with the real mighty power of kamma.
    33. Wise persons are afraid of kamma’s outcome
    Everyone has a multitude of past existences. This is the reason based on kamma. It might be wholesome and unwholesome course of action. The present existence may be good or bad, happy or sorrowful. Rich persons or millionaires have a lot of wealth due to kamma. In previous existences they were philantropic. When they have unwholesome action, they might have been corrupt in the past existences. They might receive stronger impact than expected. Richness can turn into poverty, happiness into sorrow. Such is the state of kamma.
    Wise persons are afraid of kamma since they understand the outcome . Whenever unwholesome action arrives, there is no way to escape. Such persons may not do unwholesome action in this life, but will definitely be penniless. .This is the power of kamma. Doing good always bring good, and doing bad much future suffering.
    34. There is no way to withhold the effects of kamma
    Only in the present life which lasts at most not over hundred years, every being must have done innumerable kamma. Some can be wholesome, other unwholesome. In only one time kamma can be uncountable , not counting the uncountable past existences which they had to undergo.
    When they are in the present existence, they will leave the past which they had committed innumerable bad deeds. None of them are equal. Some may have done more unwholesome act, but other more wholesome one. In the present existence, they would rather have more wholesome action than unwholesome one.
    When one wholesome action has an effect, nothing can ever withhold or hinder it. Only a better wholesome action can stop its effect. If unwholesome action certainly brings result, nothing can ever function it . We can see many people affected in this way.
    35. If this existence is so short, we should not be heedless. We should try to escape from bad deeds.
    This existence is so short, even shorter than previous ones.
    Wise persons who realize this would see ensued threats due to kamma done on their own. In the previous existences, we try to run away from bad deeds which we already committed.
    Those who expect material gain in this existence without thinking of righteousness would certainly commit unwholesome action in previous existences. No wholesome action would be able to stop or reduce it.
    36. Having the Stable faith in the Buddha
    Those whose lives are abominable may be mentally deficient all of a sudden or meet with fatal accidents, or lose the whole families, or become bankrupt and saddened.
    The unwholesome action will follow. These persons who have committed bad deeds may escape them with their full capacity and intellect.
    One of the forces that grips the person who tries to run away from the hands of bad kamma is not too difficult to achieve – the person simply thinks about the Lord Buddha and recites “Buddho” making it present always in his or her mind. Whether the person is happy or sorrowful, alive or dead, the mind keeps thinking of the word “Buddho”. The sound invokes the image and qualities of the Buddha.
    Whether the kamma is wholesome or not, the result will be instrument in attaining its effect. For example, a drunken person drives, hit people with the car who, as a result, becomes dead or crippled or heavily injured, or have to lose a lot of money for being hospitalized. The drunken driver is the consequence of kamma with alcholic drinks as an instrument or the end-result. It is catching of the real kamma.
    Even those whose kamma pursues are running away from unwholesome ones with all their might. They are reciting Buddho. The Buddha is a supreme agent of goodness which can be compared to a mental state of a powerful hypnotist who mesmerises a drunken driver to stop the car right away before killing off a pedestrian who is being followed by kamma. It is indeed a miracle and a marvelous asset of such a person to do such thing.
    37. Those who have right view do not deny things leading to no-ruin.
    Unwholesome action or bad kamma has a word that can be its match ; that is , an active ill will. Such a person can be compared with previous bad deeds. A person with right view believes that such person do exist. This deep – seated idea to hurt another is always used with negative meaning.
    A person with previous bad deeds is the one who is abused and have a grudge. Even though he or she may not be vindicative, he or she does not want to get even with. Malice will certainly vanish.
    A person with right view accompanied with right wisdom may not have seen anyone with previous bad deeds, but he or she will not be in his or her actions.. He or she does not think this is absurd and groundless thought. We are taught to be charitable towards any other persons, with previous bad deeds much the same way as persons who are our own parents. We can gain or break even in our action. Wise persons do not deny this.
    In the previous countless existences with both good and bad deeds, we had been abused in varying degrees by persons with previous bad deeds in much the same way as past parents in previous births. Even in the present existence we may not be able to recognize anyone, but we may identify.

    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 28 มกราคม 2021
  3. supatorn

    supatorn ผู้สนับสนุนเว็บพลังจิต ผู้สนับสนุนพิเศษ

    14 กรกฎาคม 2010
    38. Determination to beg pardon and repaying towards the persons with previous bad deeds by dedicating merit done

    When we ask for pardon from persons with previous bad deeds we should do the same way as when we return favour to our benefactors. We should dedicate our meritorious action with all our determination and intention to apologize and to return favour.
    To speak with honesty in these circumstances is not lust nor delusion and not an absurdity, but it is correct practice and outcome, which may lead us from the hands of malicious kamma.
    Accordingly each time that we have meritorious action, we should be liberal-minded and generous to others, though they may live in different spheres. Such determination with conscious remorse for what we have committed directly or indirectly is to ask for forgiveness.
    We should let the persons know with all honesty and pleasantness to the ear that it would produce better outcome. People of different origins are not dissimilar. We all have the human heart and mind. Whenever we leave this world, we should always think of this truth. We must do so with sincerity. This truth should be kept in mind.
    39. Grave Kamma produces result from previous existences

    Outcomes of good and bad kamma can cross over the rounds of existences. Kamma in the past existences has an effect of deeds on the future and present existences. It depends whether the kamma committed by that person can escape or not. The whole deeds rest upon the present round of existence. The person whose kamma in the past rounds could be charitable could do good. Will the good kamma be stronger than bad one?

    To produce result can also be compared to an object falling from a high place. What is heavier when falling down from a steep place at the same time would naturally reach the ground first. This can also be compared to good and bad deeds done at the same time. Grave kamma whether it is good or bad shall be effective. Kamma which is not grave will have an effect later. Both kamma certainly has an impact on present or future existences. Kamma can not be erased on account of the time-limit. It always has an outcome and is all-powerful , even more mighty than any other power.
    40. The Lord Buddha ascertains that there must be future existences.
    One important venerable teacher desired to attain the Buddha’s plane to be a Buddha. He recalled that in the past existences he had been a cockerel for countless times. Later he changed his mind to attain a final emancipation, far away from lust, rebirth and death. This venerable teacher knew full well that to reach a final emancipation took uncountable times without understanding what karma might lead to.

    Those who understand thoroughly the previous existences are afraid of the bad deeds. They try wholeheartedly to have no future existences. It is believed that finally this venerable teacher succeeded in getting rid of all pain and suffering in the present existence.

    The Lord Buddha and the venerable teacher ascertained that there must be future existences for those who can not completely get rid of the lust and wallow in impurities. They will have to face countless future existences. Chances for the deeds are that kamma will soon keep pace and become effective whether in this or next existences.
    41. One should do everything to avoid suffering in the future.
    Don’t have the wrong idea that on that date one can not remember who and what one has done, so one does not care at all. This is wrong thinking.

    Such idea might happen in the past existences and may happen in the present one when one meets with the suffering. We all suffer not because we do not recall what we were in the past existences. When we are in misery we have to be pained. When we are in happiness, we are joyful. We should not make light of this. Everything should be done now to avoid suffering in the future existence or to avoid the bad deed which keeps pace on us and may reach us at whatever moment.
    42. This life is so important. We should put every minute into account for its significance.

    This existence is so limited yet it is important , even more important than the past or future existences.
    When we speak of this life we mean that the present existence is so important simply because we can avoid the bad deed, which we already did in the past. We can prepare for excellent or miserable future existences. For the past existences we can not do anything. The future existences, which have not arrived yet, we can not be able to do anything right now.

    Accordingly this life is so short and limited. We must make good use of its importance. Yes, this life is so short, and yet it is so important. If we can not run away from bad deed, which we did in the past existences, we are bound to suffer the bad effects . If we run away from it, bad deed will keep pace or not depends on this existence. Moreover, if the bad deed is able to keep pace in this existence, it will pursue in the future existences. Bad deed which we did in the past existences may not keep pace on us if we do good in this existence. We must live this life optimally with right thought.
    43. Possibility is available in everyone.
    If we look at marginalized people in certain countries, they do not look like humans. They were like bags of bones. Small children look pitiful. Their bodies are bony. If we have this feeling, we can think of ourselves in that way too. Who can assure that when we depart from this world we will not be born in those countries, looking miserable and depraved?

    Who can assure that in previous existences, we used to be stingy, never be charitable to any persons? Our natural parents are not even given any food. Dogs and cats are not given rice or water at all. We don’t know that in previous existences we used to be like this.

    A possibility exists for everyone since we did all kinds of kamma which leads to miserable existences since the moment we open our eyes to see the world. We may suffer from lack of food, or may starve in countries that can definitely be called hell in this world.
    44 This existence is for us to run away from bad deed
    Don’t make light of this. Be sure that in the future we shall not do like that. Such kamma may keep pace on us. We do not recognize that though we do not become careless on this. We try to flee with all our might. Only in this existence we would run away bad deeds. In this short existence, we must not procrastinate otherwise we will not be able to run away from it.

    In this limited and uncertain existence wise person thinks only one way while unwise person thinks another way.

    Wise person has the right view and is of opinion that this existence is short. Sooner or later the person will die and can not take away any possessions except merits and demerits or virtue and vice. The person thinks only this way and expedites to do good.

    Thoughtless person has wrong view thinking that this existence is so short. The ways to acquire possessions are to gain wealth in whatever way they can. This thoughtless person always does bad things.

    The existence for both persons has merits and demerits in themselves depending on different views.
    45. Buddhist Way leads to run away from bad effects of kamma.

    Do not have the wrong view of a thoughtless person thinking this existence can be a sheer waste. One can not run away from the dreadful hands of unwholesome kamma. One can not reach warm hand of good kamma or good merits. Such small opportunities in this short existence can not be irreparable. Bad deeds that one did would keep pace. What would happen if one does not try to escape from it?

    One should have right view and one will find that this short existence is not a sheer waste. This existence can be very useful. One can certainly run away from unwholesome deed simply because it follows everywhere all the time. It can torment us at all levels.

    If one thinks well, speaks with good intention and does one’s best very consistently as the Buddha teaches, one can escape the hands of unwholesome kamma. The hands of bad kamma can not grip one under its power. Any demerit though one did in the past existences may not be able to grip one in this existence, it may only try to pounce one down but never come down to the end of one’s life if one always thinks, speaks and does well.
    46. Dreadful power of Karma
    Nowadays, there are many examples of persons caught up by the hands of kamma. Beautiful persons may lose their beauty. One can not bear to get rid of them. Some have good, healthy limbs, but the dreadful hands of kamma make some humans to have only half the hand or have merely one hand.

    Others have their children whom they love so dearly. The children may have gone out of the home for good. The terrible hands have killed them. Some become neckless bodies. Their abdomen and intestines are spouting from the wounds.

    These children may be sleeping well at home, but the hands move dreadfully to pluck their lives in their own beds. We can call this dreadful power of kamma!
    47. Nobody receives what he or she has not done on his or her own.

    The Venerable Somdej Buddhacariya To said that if he was to judge between two bhikkus whether who first committed bodily harm, one must understand the laws of kamma and its effect. Some people may think that this Somdej was not righteous in the judgment. Anyone that understands the laws of kamma and outcomes recognizes his decision full well. Nobody receives what he or she has not done on his or her own.

    Whatever one did in the past existences will receive its effect in the present.

    Whatever one does in the present existence will receive it in the future.

    The future existence does not mean to cross over from existence to existence, realm to realm, but it may mean some future time in this existence.

    However, one may believe in kamma and the effect, one should not receive the blemish only. An effect of an action will be bad and terrible. One should try to do good against this evil.
    48. Terrible Power of Kamma

    The terrible power of kamma is able to break the land, suck bad people into the ground. Venerable Devadatta’s case is an example of this terrible power. He wished to get rid of the Buddha. What he achieved was trivial. That is he could bruise only the Buddha’s sole. But finally he asked for forgiveness. Bad deeds did it otherwise. Venerable Devadatta was sucked into the ground immediately as he set his foot to enter the gate and see the Buddha. But he failed to see the Buddha to ask for forgiveness and all his faults.

    What Devadatta faced was horrible for his own kamma.

    To get rid of Buddha and Buddhism are equal in terms of kamma. One should be prudent. Do not be remiss, thinking that Buddhism is a dead teaching. Such thought is lifeless and groundless, sinful and unwholesome. So whatever one does, one must be free from all wrong-doings. If one is heedless over the matter, one will face the result of destroying this teaching with great torment and no one can help.
    49. Awareness of the doer of deed and the effect of deed.
    To get rid of animal life has varying degrees of wrong-doings.

    Destroying bigger or long-lived animals has more wrong-doing than destroying smaller or short-lived ones. Getting rid of animals even with merit may have more wrong-doing than getting rid of animals in general. This has been understood as such. Killing cows and buffaloes is one thing, killing mosquitoes and ants is another. Wrong-doing is not the same. So is the killer.

    One true story which has been often repeated that when the slayer of cows and buffalos was near his or her death, a kind of torment or gowling like a sliced animal was then heard. Those who slap mosquitoes with open hand, or crush ants commit certain wrong-doing, but this kamma is not self-evident. It depends upon the consciousness or awareness of the killer. The killer of cows and buffaloes is cruel for he or she remembers the real picture of the killing. He or she feels that it is wrong-doing. The haunted hands of the killer always reflect the tormented cries of the animal that is killed.

    Some people who saw the killing by a butcher think and feel that the animal about to be killed is no longer living. However, the person becomes a real cow or buffalo, whose cries and manners are like the tormented beasts.

    Whether this feeling is right or wrong, he or she is suffering from the effect of bad deed which keeps its pace in this or future existences. He or she has a life of the terrible beast.

    To do small wrong-doing such as slapping the mosquitoes with open hand or crushing to death the ants may not be a demerit to the person since he or she does not think that it is wicked.

    The conscience or awareness of the doer is very important. For example, a bhikku in the days of the Buddha broke away a lemon grass. He passed away before the expiation of his offence. His mind was attached to the lemon grass with deep concern. Later he was born a great naga. As for the slapping of the mosquitoes or the crushing of the ants, even though the mind may not regard it as wrong-doing, such offence may not be a big one. That person must not intend to harm the animal nor does it too often.

    To do wrong-doing repeatedly on small creatures is real wickedness. One should be prudent so that one’s existence is happy and prosperous.

    Killing cow or buffalo can make the conscience and awareness like that of the animal. It is pitiable to the viewer. What effect does the killer have? Why does he or she not feel it? Kamma has power to keep pace on the doer. One can not put an end to it. Such killings make parents forget the child or the child the parents. Buddhist followers may fail to warn Bhikkus or novices. And Bhikkus and novices may forget their own status. They can kill or do unbelievable harm to other persons. Such power of kamma brings about the bad effect on the person who has no self-control at all.
    50. Evil kamma due to bad action towards Buddhism

    Slaughtering humans has worse wrong-doing than slaughtering cows or buffalos. Those hurting the Buddha have worse wrong-doing than slaughtering people.

    We can find that even Venerable Devadatta was also sucked into the ground. But we should not be remiss to think that we are safe and sound from being sucked into the land since there is no physical Buddha present. However, that person may destroy what he taught. This is tantamount to destroying the Buddha Himself.

    If we think of ourselves, we must love our own children and nourish them so that they can grow into manhood. They may be killed, but the parents’ minds are also killed.

    Buddhism is a closely-related phenomenon to the Buddha who found it and discovered and established the Dhamma. His love of Buddhism is the same as a person who loves his or her child. Whenever one destroys Buddhism, one destroys the Buddha.

    Undoubtedly an effort to do this is worse than killing a person. The result of this kamma may be mysterious, slow to realize or discover. Some people may think that getting rid of Buddhism is not wrong-doing.

    To destroy Buddhism unsuccessfully results in less wrong-doing than a person who does not intend to get rid of Buddhism. This conduct is like a person who is determined to destroy the core of Buddhism.

    This type of persons especially Buddhist followers do evil action to Buddhism, which the Buddha had established and nourished. Buddhism represents the Buddha. Good Buddhist followers have nourished this all along, and Buddhism has been an invaluable treasure. This teaching is the Buddha’s representative. The four assemblies of Buddhist devouts may do something useful to the teaching, though what the Buddha taught can never be a wrong course. It is tantamount to the wrongness of Buddhism, though what the doer propagates is merely a stain.

    Such conduct is bad kamma to people’s most noble object. Bad effect must have been horrible for those who have done evil. This we should not be remiss.
    51. Be prudent towards Buddhism
    Those who are unenlightened find that this religion is not human, having no flesh and blood, and is an entity without mind. This teaching must be destroyed in various ways.

    An unenlightened person is not aware that when kamma keeps pace the punishment is a heavy blemish. Devadatta was not sucked down into the ground at once when he hurted the Buddha. Once kamma kept pace on him, he was sucked down and could not escape horrible death. Those who destroy Buddhism should not be heedless. What can not be taken in may truely occur such as being sucked down. This can happen now or in the future, depending on the power of kamma.

    Parents who love their child so dearly despite of the fact that he or she may not be a good or good-for-nothing child. But when he or she is hunted down, or loses life, the parents suffer the loss. Buddhism is the Buddha’s heart and soul and has gained strength through the quality of His own mercy. The Buddha’s compassion is comparable to invaluable and infinite virtues. His conduct is revered by divine beings of the form-sphere or Brahmin gods, or deities, or humans, or animals. We should not be unenlightened. Buddhism should be followed prudently, or else we may waste this short limited existence. Bad hands of kamma certainly surround us and always have its horrid effect.

    Our previous existences and karma had been done already. Our future existences are drawing near, but this one is so short and limited and it comes very easily to an end. Future existences are infinitely long. Happiness of long duration or long-term suffering will definitely come in our next existences.
    52. This one and only life span will lead to Nirvana.

    We are meritorous to be born humans and to have this short limited existence but it is the only one that makes us escape from bad effect of karma and lead into nirvana or heaven.

    Buddhism is the same as to the Lord Buddha, his Dhamma teaching and noble disciples of the Buddha. Buddhism is the Buddha’s kindness. He had already gives this generosity to Buddhism. What we have learnt from Buddhism or Dhamma all along is tantamount to seeing the Buddha. We should be heedful to maintain Buddhism well. We must not be remiss and be able to look at unlightened persons with wrong view. That person may be “me”, but one has to look at it thoroughly. If one can not look at the person, who destroys Buddhism, one fails to protect this religion.
    53. One should put one’s faith in gratefulness.

    To prevent one from drifting and becoming unintentional destroyer of Buddhism one must stick to an ideal which no stream of wrong view can take it away.

    The virtue that is steadfast, strong and sustainable is gratefulness. One should be grateful all the time. Nothing can be wrong on this.

    Gratefulness or showing appreciation for something done to one and becoming thankful for the received benefits are what the Buddha taught Dhamma to good people. Such person makes human to be a good person because virtue makes them good. To have gratefulness shows that he or she is a good person. Without gratefulness, he or she turns into a bad person.
    54. Train one’s mind and feel grateful for benefits received in order that the future existence be more beautiful and better.

    One should survey and look into oneself and find clearly whether one feels grateful or not so that one may discover that oneself is a good person.

    If one does not feel grateful, one is definitely not a good person. One should train one’s mind to feel more grateful. This existence is not to be passed through the long future without making it much better and more beautiful.

    Gratefulness can certainly make human into a good person since to be indebted and reciprocal help prevent all kinds of wrong-doing. The aim is to wish not to be a cause of any kind of suffering to a previous benefactor.
    55. To feel grateful is a cause of good thinking, speaking and doing.

    One should feel grateful to all benefactors, such as father and mother, and teachers. This can prevent from wrong-doing. One should be earnestly grateful and should not gloss over it. The fact is quite different from the fancy. The result is not actually the same.

    Grateful persons are indebted to benefactors. The reciprocating to the best of one’s ability is for the person who shares and receives it. This is the real cause of thinking, speaking and doing well. If one does the opposite the benevolent persons such as parents may get hurt or offended. A good child must also behave as a good person. Never do evil things because the parents’ reputation may be ruined. One can always safeguard oneself with gratitude.
    56. One should be grateful to the Buddha.

    The Buddha is infinitely bounteous to the entire world and followers. His Dhamma teaching makes all Buddhists to uphold justice. This religion is not only for Buddhists but also for everyone. One good person leads a peaceful world. At the same time one evil person can create all sorts of trouble, hardship and suffering.

    Buddhism creates good Buddhists. This religion has also created a peaceful world. One should be grateful to the Buddha. To think, speak and do well is the cause and effect of His teaching. One can also escape from the bad effect of old bad deed and lead a settled peaceful life in the future.
    57. His paramitah (perfections) makes one lead present and future settled existences through the Buddha’s transcendent virtues.

    The Buddha has passed away and reached the final Nirvana. But He has not gone anywhere and still protects the earth. People do support His paramitah (perfections), and find that He is not different from the time He has existed. People should accept Him with open heart and mind.

    The entire matter is not difficult at all. This is not like moving forward by pushing a piece of big stone to open a cave. One can make homage to Him earnestly all the time; then one can accept His paramitah. One will lead a peaceful, happy and settled life without any doubt.
    58 The power of paramitah (perfections)
    The Buddha has reached the final Nirvana and no longer has the round of rebirths. His paramitah is achieved on His path to spiritual perfection. One important venerable teacher had related that when the Buddha had performed in the forest to be free from bonds, He had taught followers with paramitah. The teacher was well respected by Bhuddhist followers who fully believed that He had then reached the complete extinction of all passions.

    The Buddha had reached the final Nirvana with paramitah. He proceeded to teach Dhamma to important venerable teachers, the path leading to the cessation of suffering. This was not impossible at all.

    Arahat Mokanla’s story also confirms this fact. When he already reached highest stage of Dhamma, he was about to be killed by a bandit. He tried to escape through the use of powerful mind, but the bandit kept following him until he was tired of escaping, so he surrendered to the bandit. His body was smashed to pieces by the bandit. But he had reached final nirvana, and regained his broken body and was granted audience with the Buddha. The Buddha was informed his story of what happened to him.

    The story of Arahat Mokanla clearly confirms that the Buddha or any Arahat may have passed away, having no physical bodies, but the paramitah and virtues can safeguard well and are very helpful to world.
    59. A wise person should speed up to follow Buddhism.

    One is confident of permanence of paramitah or virtues of the Buddha and other important teachers, who are already free from lust and defilements. Buddhist followers who have right view and wisdom should speed up to follow Buddhist teachings to be better people and gradually to be good witness of His enlightenment in the Buddha’s mind. This is an opening up of one’s mind to accept paramitah in order to strengthen one’s own (paramitah) until one is a person of virtue. In this case the person is not worried that he or she has to escape from the hands of the bad effect of kamma and needs not worry about one’s future existences. 60. A very important thing should be sought in this present existence

    Everyone including angels or divine beings, kings and queens, rich persons and paupers as well as all other animals has faced death in different manners. Some die like angels, other like princes or paupers or animals. There are those who die on their own or even get killed.

    People have been saddened or happy, have been heroes or villains. Tears and bones are all over this world. There has been almost no empty space for one’s sorrow. This existence is so short and limited. One can not seek for anything more important than escape from the bad hands of kamma in previous existences.

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